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Shopping Guide

1. How to find the item you want?

①.Through Homepage Banners: You can access all activities & sales that are happening.

②.By Navigation: Get into the specific Catalog of the item you want.

③.View and edit your shopping cart.

Placing an available item in your shopping cart does not reserve that item. Available inventory is only assigned to your order after you click Place your order and receive an e-mail confirmation that we've received your order. 

You can modify an item in your Shopping cart:

To change the quantity or the size, click "Change Details" and enter a number in the Quantity box and select a size in the drop-down Size menu, then click Update. 

To remove an item from your Shopping cart, click the "Delete" button next to the thumbnail. 

To wait until another day to buy some of the items in your Shopping cart, click "♥". This will move the item to your wish list located below the Shopping cart.

④ .Click Add to Cart next to the item when you are ready to purchase it.

2. Sign in to your account or create a new account if this is your first order.

.After register or log in, you can see the shipping address need to be filled

3. If you want to refund before we ship, please click the refund button as shown.